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How to build authentic creator relationships 

Maddy White, Maura Quinn

Influencer marketing has experienced remarkable growth in the past decade and is now an essential tactic for brands aiming to enhance awareness and engage their audience in more meaningful ways. This year alone, influencer marketing budgets increased over 69% and expanded investment towards developing more video content. Many brands are leaning into creator partnerships and leveraging talent to promote their products and services through various tactics such as paid partnerships, launch events, and gifting opportunities. 

Despite its effectiveness, the influencer marketing space is becoming increasingly saturated and competitive. To stay ahead of the competition, brands need to go beyond engaging their target audience to distinguish themselves among the masses of brands vying for consumers’ attention.  

One tactic that continues to drive success is developing authentic relationships with creators through ongoing and personalized communications. Often, brands hire creators for one-off partnership opportunities, which can result in low audience retention or engagement, a potentially negative response from the audience, or overall ingenuine content. Instead, implement programs with creators that establish long-term brand fans through tactics like earned seeding, bespoke gifting opportunities, and/or long-term paid partnerships. By having a roster of authentic fans, brands can partner with creators to deliver authentic, high performing content with impactful messaging during key moments.

Here are a few key benefits to developing authentic creator relationships:  

  • Genuine and engaging content. Authentic partnerships result in content that resonates more deeply with the creator’s audience. When creators are genuinely interested in and connected to a brand, the content produced feels more natural. This leads to higher engagement rates and increased trust among followers. 
  • Cost efficiency. Brands often benefit from reduced costs due to the goodwill generated through genuine creator relationships. Creators who have sincere affinity for a brand are more likely to offer discounted rates for paid partnerships, helping brands optimize their budgets. Additionally, working with creators for multiple content pulses over a certain period versus a one-off campaign will likely result in more beneficial fee structures.  
  • Earned content. True admiration for a brand can often lead to creators posting about the brand in an unpaid (earned) capacity. This organic content can be incredibly valuable as audiences perceive it as more credible.  
  • Stronger brand loyalty. Long-term, authentic relationships with creators can foster deeper emotional loyalty. When creators feel valued and respected, they are more likely to promote the brand in a positive light, elevating their audience’s perception of the brand. This stronger bond also makes creators less likely to work with a competitor brand. 
Sustaining creator relationships

Once a brand has established an authentic creator relationship, it must find ways to sustain it. Following are some suggestions:   

  • Customize gifting and partnership opportunities. From strategy to execution, customize every partnership opportunity specifically to the creator, whether paid or gifted. Go beyond generic outreach by uncovering and celebrating small, personal moments that can make a significant impact. For instance, acknowledge a pet’s birthday or congratulate the creator with bespoke gifting for a significant milestone, like an event or cookbook launch. When you personalize the approach and surprise and delight creators, they form a deeper connection to the brand. This deliberate effort to understand and cater to each creator’s unique preferences and life moments forges a bond that feels authentic and meaningful. In addition to customized gifting, pay careful attention to how your brand is presented. Things like thoughtful branding on seeding notes, using on-brand messaging during outreach, and tying activations to current trends and pop culture are key. Place your brand’s unique identity at the forefront, ensuring the overall gesture is genuine and aligned with the brand’s core message.
  • Maintain connections. Extend your brand’s commitment to authenticity beyond initial interactions and prioritize developing long-term relationships. View creators as integral brand advocates and try to stay engaged with them throughout the year. By fostering ongoing interactions, brands ensure their relationships with creators evolve and strengthen over time, creating a foundation for ongoing collaboration.
  • Treat creators as true brand collaborators. Brands that treat creators as true brand collaborators go beyond just partnering to promote the brand. Start with dynamic and strategic briefs that outline brand messaging and objectives, and ensure creators have the freedom to produce content that excites them and their audience. Giving creators the space to share their opinions and the authority to make decisions based on their audience’s unique preferences shows trust. This approach fosters mutual respect and empowers creators to produce content that is both authentic and impactful. 

This may sound overwhelming, but we’ve got your back. At Phaedon, our expertise in cultivating rich creator partnerships is rooted in our ability to build authentic connections through customized experiences and a relational, collaborative approach. By focusing on these elements, we have developed a successful formula for ensuring that both our brands and our partners benefit from meaningful and effective collaborations.  

Interested in hearing more? Let’s talk.